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  时间:2022-01-05 17:32  来源:    浏览

马跃龙,男,工学博士,博士后,硕士生导师,优秀博士学位论文获得者。主持国家自然科学基金、省部级项目、人才项目等6项。Ceramics InternationalJournal of Materials Chemistry CChemical Engineering Journaltop SCI特邀审稿人。近6年以第一作者或通讯作者在国际一流SCI发表学术论文15(其中SCI一区10),其他核心论文7篇,申请发明专利20项,授权发明专利11项。中国机械工程高级会员,河南省电子学会专家,发光学青年创新促进会成员,河南省机械工程学会会员。







邮箱:ujsmyl@163.com; uhgdmyl@haut.edu.cn


[1] “激光照明用阵列包芯结构荧光陶瓷的制备及其发光光斑调控机理研究”,国家自然科学基金;主持,2024.12026.12, 30万。

[2] “利用透明荧光陶瓷中晶界等缺陷提升激光照明品质的机理研究,国家自然科学基金;参与,2023.12结项,60万。

[3] “热鲁棒性激光显示绿光转换器件关键技术研发”,河南省重点研发与推广专项;主持,2022.1-2024.12, 10万。

[4] “粮食高精检测宽带近红外荧光陶瓷电声耦合调控机制的研究”,嵩山实验室项目;主持,2022.1-2024.12, 12万。

[5] “高流明密度(HLD)激光照明关键技术研发,江苏省重点研发项目;参与,2023.12结项,60万。

[6] “激光照明用热鲁棒性高效荧光陶瓷的联发研发,中美合作项目;参与,120万。

[7] “高显色指数荧光陶瓷的中英联合研发中英合作项目;参与,80万。


[1] Y. Ma, Z. Wang, T. Pang, S. Lin, L. Wu, et al., A cyan-green-emitting garnet-structured Lu3-xScxAl2-yScyAl3-zSczO12:Ce3+ phosphor ceramics towards high-color-quality laser-driven lighting, Ceramics International, (2024). (第一作者,中科院一区top SCI)

[2] Ma Y, Li X, Wu L, et al. Preparation of (Lu,Y)3(Al,Sc,Cr)2Al3O12 phosphor ceramic with high thermal stability for near-infrared LED/LD. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2024, (第一作者,中科院一区 top SCI,期刊领域内国际排序第一)

[3] Y. Ma, X. Li, L. Wu, T. Pang, H. Li, G. Wang, Y. Fu, Y. Tian, B. Zhang, D. Chen, Efficient thermal and luminescent regulations of LuAG: Ce-PiG based remote LED/LD, Ceramics International 50 (2024) 4831-4840. (第一作者,中科院一区top SCI)

[4] Ma Y.L., Zhang L., Wang Y., et al., Fabrication and optical properties of divalent Cu2+ ions incorporated Ce:YAG transparent ceramics for white LEDs, Ceramics International, 45, 2019, 4817-4823. (第一作者,JCR SCI一区top IF3.83), WOS:000458228200084.

[5] Ma Y.L., Zhang L., Wang Y., et al., High recorded color rendering index in single Ce,(Pr,Mn):YAG transparent ceramics for high-power white LEDs/LDs, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8, 4329-4337. (第一作者,JCR SCI一区top IF7.059), 期刊正封面文章WOS:000526890100033.

[6] Ma Y.L., Zhang L., Wang Y., et al., Dual effect synergistically triggered Ce:(Y,Tb)3(Al,Mn)5O12 transparent ceramics enabling a high color-rendering index and excellent thermal stability for white LEDs, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 41 (2021) 2834-2846. (第一作者,JCR SCI一区top IF4.495) WOS:000613637200005.

[7] Ma Y.L., Zhang L., Wang Y., et al., Weak thermal quenching and tunable luminescence in Ce:Y3(Al,Sc)5O12 transparent ceramics for high power white LEDs/LDs, Chemical Engineering Journal, 398 (2020) 125486. (第一作者,JCR SCI一区top IF10.652) WOS:000567388100007.

[8] Ma Y.L., Zhang L., Wang Y., et al., High quantum efficiency Ce:(Lu,Y)3(Al,Sc)2Al3O12 transparent ceramics with excellent thermal stability for high-power white LEDs/LDs, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8, 16427-16435. (第一作者,JCR SCI一区top IF7.059) WOS:000597117200015.

[9] Ma Y.L., Zhang L., Wang Y., et al., Broadband emission Gd3Sc2Al3O12:Ce3+ transparent ceramics with a high color rendering index for high-power white LEDs/LDs, Optics Express, 29, 9474 (2021). (第一作者,JCR SCI一区top IF3.699) WOS:000629298900124.
